Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Democracy 2.0: "Running Game"

In a nutshell democracy is supposed to stand for freedom. In the world we live in today there is no real freedom, especially in regards to polotics and voting. Do we really get who we want? Does our vote really count. When I turned 18 years old it was awesome because it was legal for me to vote, and ironically enough there was an African-American man running for president and he actually had a legitimate chance of winning. As a young black man, seeing that is monumental. Voting came back on me negatively though, because people were jumping all over me assuming that I only voted for Obama because he is black, and I was called racist and what have you! him being black was only part of my voting choice, the other half being because in my eyes he was a good candidate.

After voting, I learned to hate it, and have been kind of persuaded to not vote in this coming election. The reason being is because of the way presidents run game on the people, and how the people don't support particular presidents. Observing and listening to people the last 8 years I've come to the conclusion that Obama had seldom support, from the government down to the average citizen. No matter what he tried to do even if it benefited the country, people still tried to find the negative in what he did, and I find it hard to give the country what they want if they wont even let you do that. Nobody, however; speaks about the not so good presidency George Bush had, and in my opinion he put Obama in a whole that has gotten deeper and deeper.

Running Game: I am not super knowledgeable when it comes to politics, but I am not dumb, nor am I naive; I like Obama, but I've come to see that maybe he isn't all he fronts to be hence the bold words running game. The thing I didn't like about Obama and don't like is how he compromised to gain votes. He claimed to be a christian, but then I see him sacrificing his "christian" values by supporting gay marriage, and abortion. there have been many presidents with christian based values that never passed laws like these for the hope of votes, running game comes in because when I first voted for him he didn't even come off that way. I like Obama but I don't like and support everything he does and has done.

This next election I don't think I will be voting for anybody because to me it is a joke with the people we have running to lead our country. Hillary Clinton: I cant vote for her because she will literally do anything (not a good thing) to become president and personally, I just feel like she is a woman scorned and when she gets in the white house trouble is right around the corner, and I just flat out feel that she cant run a country. Any other woman except Hillary. Bernie Sanders: I like him, though, I don't support everything he believes, he seems like a good candidate, but I don think he stands a chance. Ben Carson: This guy kills me, when questions are asked about regards to the black community hes always almost trying put us down and act like we are the whole problem, he almost doesn't even acknowledge it at all. He literally said, "racism didn't really exist 150 years ago and nobody cared until Obama became president". That is probably the dumbest thing I have hear and to me hes another game runner conforming to popular opinion to look sophisticated and gain votes. And lastly, Donald Trump: This guy is a clown and a reality T.V. star. You cannot run a country like the celebrity apprentice. If he is elected president this country is going to fall, and fall hard on its face. In my opinion all minorities should look out if he wins. Bill Clinton to me has been the best we have had, but sadly we cant get him back.

In conclusion I think that God needs to play a pivotal part in the running of this country, and I know some don't agree with that, but if we lean on God to make choices it will always be the right one. America has gotten away from that and is trying so hard to push God out, and until we let him in this country will always be bound by its people and its ways. It doesn't say in God we trust just to say it, it actually means something. The men that put it there were convicted in their hearts. My thoughts on politics and voting,

Thursday, September 24, 2015

On the Media: Migration Memes.

PHYSICAL: For a little bit of time now, there have been people creating pretty racy memes in regards to refugees, ISIS, and former ISIS members. The memes make fun of Syria, and the issue involved with the country almost as if it is a joke. Now with theses memes out it starting to strike fear into people and keeping them on their toes, almost making it seem as if anybody that looks like these people is a terrorist and threat.

PSYCHOLOGICAL: People in Europe, and people period are already afraid of terrorists as it is so having a feeling of uncertainty is only adding to the madness. There are also pictures included that show these particular people in their fighting apparel and showing the same people in normal clothing almost looking like your average refugee. I'm not to sure why this is being seen as a joke or being taken lightly but lives are at stake, and the well being of many.

SOCIAL: People are fleeing by the thousands because of what is going on in their home land in look of safety and comfort. However, the issue is will their be enough living space and means for these people and if they are really refugees or terrorists in disguise.

CULTURAL: Other countries are kind of at a stalemate at the moment because they are not sure if it is the right thing to do, or if it can be potentially detrimental to the safety and well being of their people. A lot of European countries already have struggles of their own daily and as whole, so something like this can actually make matters worse, which is why I think the countries want to help but still have that little itch telling them it could be a risk.

TEMPORAL: The story has been around for about a month now on the news and social media, and now the rise of memes for the past few weeks on almost every social media sight.

I can definitely understand why people would be on edge in this situation, because if you only pay attention to the media, it would cause to think that your country could be victim to an attack. It is scary when you come across a picture of someone who was in a terrorist type uniform, and then you also see that same person looking like a refugee. As I stated earlier it would be hard to decide whether you are taking a risk or making an ethically good decision. Secondly, I feel like an issue like this shouldn't be turned into a humorous meme because people are actually suffering and its just not right make that into something that isn't taken serious.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Well Informed 2.0: Learning (Culture)

Learning is defined as the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience or skills, or by being taught. I couldn't really think about what to talk about and there really wasn't an article that I wanted to read, but what did cross my mind in regards to learning was music and the lyrics behind it; actually a particular song. There is a song by Dizzy Wright called the first agreement that is talking about particular cultures lack of knowledge in regards to themselves and their own. The lyrics go as such, "I heard if you want to hide something from a N*&&@ the best way to do it is to put in a book. The Idea behind this set of words is that African American people don't read enough books, or find it necessary, therefore if you want to keep something from them involving their history, etc... Put it in a  book because they wont look for it there. I  noticed the whole song just revolved around learning and educating yourself because nobody else will do the educating for you. The intro also give a brief description of what knowledge comes from the word! Meaning the knowledge you gain from a wise word or the word of God. As Americans period we are constantly learning new things simply by observation. I learn a lot of things through observation such as my skill of drawing, dancing and playing football if I see it I can learn it very fast.

My Position: I agree with his statement in those lyrics in regard to limiting your own learning or inhibiting your own knowledge. I have noticed that within my own community, that people don't know anything about their history or past or factors that really do matter to them all because they refuse to read and or educate themselves. I love reading and I have grown so much from reading and researching, and I have learned a lot of new things and gained knowledge especially about African American history. Most people wouldn't even Fredrick Douglas was half white, or that before slavery Black people were kings and queens and pharos of empires like Kush. Learning and understanding is important because you will always have an answer for any question or topic brought your way. If learning isn't apart of your livelihood diet  you will continue to still make the same mistakes and dumb choices because you refuse to learn.

Monday, September 14, 2015

On the Media Kim Davis

Physical: A woman by the name of Kim Davis was locked because she refused to issue a marriage license to a homosexual couple as a registrar and county clerk. After being jailed for a bit of time, she was finally released but there is still plenty tension and lack of understanding regarding the situation. The real debate now is that, although there is freedom of religion is it ok to do what Kim Davis did!

Psychological: Now homosexual marriage is legal, and she is a firm Christian who is speaking out against them, now in the minds of a lot of people it seems as if she is trying to supersede the law and the supreme court. Is it really freedom of religion or speech if she is being jailed for it?

Social: Homosexuality is now an accepted thing in the world and has a very felt presence where-as religion is still an important factor but is slowly being minimized by the day. There are plenty of people who do not agree with the issue as well as there are many that agree with what is going on. One is socially acceptable and the other is not but it is different for everybody. Was anybody harmed in this regarding their rights?

Cultural: Two cultures are really clashing here so it is somewhat difficult to decipher which culture is influencing more or what culture has a bigger or less influence. On one hand you have someone who to some is putting her beliefs above the law, and then you a have a group of people who feel that their rights have been violated.

Temporal: This debate has been going on for quite some time, a couple of weeks I believe, and what gives the issue so much edge or prominence over other social issues is that it's happening right after homosexual marriage was legalized so there is going to be friction in this particular instance. This happened at the wrong time, but some people may see it as the wrong time.

I agree with what Kim Davis did. I think she may be in the wrong profession, especially with the beliefs that she has. I agree because I put myself in her shoes and I myself am a follower of Jesus Christ. As a Christian I feel that we have an obligation to the Lord to stand for what is righteous in his sights. I have absolutely nothing against homosexuals, but I do not agree with their choice of lifestyle. I believe she felt she would be going against God had she supported that. I understand that there are laws of the land that we must obey legally but God's word trumps the law in these type of circumstances. As a Christian I believe that she felt like, "Obey the lord, or conform." I understand that they do have their rights, but so do religious/spiritual people and we should be able to speak our minds without consequence.

The commentator on, on the media had a few insightful points that he made, but It didn't sway me; now it is her job to issue those licenses, but then again it is also her job to please and honor the lord. The thing that kills me about this particular topic and issue is that people throw the word homophobe around like water at people of faith. Phobia is a fear of something, and as Christians I know that we don't fear it we just don't agree with it or support it but we still love the people.

Mission: To motivate people spiritually and bringing them to the realization that self love is key to success. Invest in you and God will see you through.

Communication objectives: The main goal of this page is to uplift and motivate people to push through that trial or test that seems to hard to get through. Secondly, to let people know that God will see us through regardless of the situation as long as we work diligently in all things. If you love yourself it becomes easy to love and appreciate God more. lastly, letting people know that a relationship with God is important in succeeding.


Jonathan: He is Sophomore in college who is dealing with low self-esteem and the load of college life. He is a Christian, but he doesn't know the bible very well and doesn't understand how to deal with stress or how love or believe in his-self. He's been looking for spiritual motivation online and anywhere he can; he comes across this page titled "invest in you" and he sees a scripture and a quote that is speaking directly to his current situation and it gives him the motivation and will to first believe in himself and to also move forward. He now realizes that God is able and that he can overcome any obstacle.

Christopher: Chris is a high school athlete who thinks he has everything planned out because of his athletic ability and his status in the school. In his mind he thinks basketball is the only thing he can do, convinced that it will last forever. Chris gets hurt in the second game of his senior year which forfeits all of the scholarships he was offered. Now seeming hopeless Chris had nowhere to turn and was really on the verge of giving up. Chris came across the invest in you page and seen a passage that caused him to regain his hope. Chris constantly reads this page looking for spiritual strength and motivation to carry on. He didn't give up and recovered from his injury and earned a scholarship after walking on to a team.

Madison: Madison is an atheist and also very anti-social. It is impossible for her to find joy and become friends with anyone. Anybody that talks to her about Jesus or tries to motivate her is rudely turned away. Madison is as stubborn as a mule , but most of her friends on social media keep sharing posts from the invest in you page and as much as it keeps bugging Madison she figured that maybe if she told her friends she would read the page they would leave her alone. So she finally starts reading the page and tries her hardest to disagree and discredit everything she is seeing. As much as she tries to be hardnosed about it, the page continuously chips away at her rough exterior and makes her believe in God more and more, and she is becoming more social, though she does not fully believe yet the page is constantly working at her and she is believing more and more everyday.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Race problem or a sin problem? Well Informed

I loved this video especially vs. other research mediums. The reason being is because there are no biases, but instead it is straight facts and historical evidence and modern evidence to back his claim. The facts he gave in regard to poor white Americans was astonishing as well seeing that they as well are mistreated by not only law enforcement but by the rich elites in the world. It was really surprising to see that 49 of the richest people in the world were still richer than 149 million!

He also made the claim that the police force, especially in racially tense situations is very militarized. There is no keeping peace or weathering the storm it's aggressive and authority hungry action which often makes the situation worse. The media doesn't help this issue either because there are certain people who run our news stations and control what we hear and what information we are allowed to see which escalates the situation and gives people a premeditated perception of the issue without even really knowing what the cause is or what it stands for. A prime example of that is the saying "Black Lives Matter" because people take it out of context and don't even know what it means.

I have dealt with racial profiling and stereotyping my whole life growing up in Salt Lake City. One incident in particular occurred when I was around 12. Me and my brother had gone to the hospital to visit my dad while he was at work. As we left the hospital I  noticed two police officers slowly following me and my brother and it instantly made me nervous, so the officers stop us as we're walking and he asked why were in the area and we told him to see our dad. He didn't believe my dad worked in the hospital, so he asked again and we told him 2 more times. After that he asked where we lived we told him, "right down the street" and he and his partner still didn't believe us, so they kept asking us and we kept telling him we've lived in this city for our whole lives and they finally got to the point, and said "well, two HISPANIC  men stole a car from this hospital today and you two fit the description. me and my brother were small 12 year old kids and we are black we don't look Hispanic at all or like grown men at that.

Racially mistreatment by police is a very real epidemic, and the government isn't really trying to help especially by putting mostly African Americans in these low income areas and rundown ghettos and fighting harder to keep them there than to pull them up. I look at these issues from more of a spiritual side because regardless of race we are all brothers in sisters with the same color blood running through our veins. Yes police are being brutal, yes racism is really, yes inequality is real, but it all falls back to sin. If you don't have the love of God in you, or Love Jesus Christ at all, it is impossible to love your fellow man and brother or sister. In my eyes the real reason for all of this turmoil is people letting the devil take advantage of them causing their hearts to be hardened.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

On The Media: Thoughts on the Little Pink Pill

I would like to focus on the issue regarding the "little pink pill" or the new drug known as female Viagra. It catches my attention because it is a lot like and as a matter of fact is like the popular phenomenon plaguing social media today, and that being equal rights.

Listening to the story it was evident that some woman felt it wasn't right that men had a drug that helped with sexual dysfunctions and woman didn't; to me it sounds a lot like the debate that woman don t have the same opportunity as men. What interesting was what the sources had to say about the drug especially about the false advertisement. They claimed that 26 different drugs were approved for men when really only 5 or 6 were approved. She also pointed out that the idea or pill was sold for a large sum of money shortly after it was proposed or presenting kind of giving off the vibe that this is a political stunt or a call to the feminists instead of actually trying to help theses woman that had these sexual short comings.

Brooke actually mentioned that the drug itself may not be as helpful as these people assume because of natural causes. She pointed out that as woman get older, and are in a long enduring relationship their sexual desire and sometimes even libido can be affected due to that. With this particular situation I feel like there is definitely a lack of Civil Discourse. It seems like people are trying to push the drug just to say that woman are on the same playing field as men and have the same type of products. I agree that it is more of a political stunt more than anything. From what I observed in listening its almost as if the overlords that created the product don't really care about fixing these problems in woman but instead are trying to sell a product and one up the opposition.

The Physical aspect of this is the woman actually taking this pill to boost sexual moral and falling into the placebo affect, by actually making themselves believe it because of marketing.

The psychological part is the placebo affect itself in willing yourself to believe that it works although there are no real results, and believing something just because it is new and mainstream.

The cultural element is the fact that there are so many stereotypes out there regarding sexism and inequality amongst men and woman. That's what I got from it and that seems to be the underlying issue that men  have a sexual enhancer and woman do not.

Social is the buzz that the pink pill is getting around the world and the huge community of social media users. And the experiment they ran with woman who consume alcohol to prove f the drug really worked.

Temporal: It was brought forward at a vulnerable time where equal rights is at the top of the food chain, especially amongst men and woman.