Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Democracy 2.0: "Running Game"

In a nutshell democracy is supposed to stand for freedom. In the world we live in today there is no real freedom, especially in regards to polotics and voting. Do we really get who we want? Does our vote really count. When I turned 18 years old it was awesome because it was legal for me to vote, and ironically enough there was an African-American man running for president and he actually had a legitimate chance of winning. As a young black man, seeing that is monumental. Voting came back on me negatively though, because people were jumping all over me assuming that I only voted for Obama because he is black, and I was called racist and what have you! him being black was only part of my voting choice, the other half being because in my eyes he was a good candidate.

After voting, I learned to hate it, and have been kind of persuaded to not vote in this coming election. The reason being is because of the way presidents run game on the people, and how the people don't support particular presidents. Observing and listening to people the last 8 years I've come to the conclusion that Obama had seldom support, from the government down to the average citizen. No matter what he tried to do even if it benefited the country, people still tried to find the negative in what he did, and I find it hard to give the country what they want if they wont even let you do that. Nobody, however; speaks about the not so good presidency George Bush had, and in my opinion he put Obama in a whole that has gotten deeper and deeper.

Running Game: I am not super knowledgeable when it comes to politics, but I am not dumb, nor am I naive; I like Obama, but I've come to see that maybe he isn't all he fronts to be hence the bold words running game. The thing I didn't like about Obama and don't like is how he compromised to gain votes. He claimed to be a christian, but then I see him sacrificing his "christian" values by supporting gay marriage, and abortion. there have been many presidents with christian based values that never passed laws like these for the hope of votes, running game comes in because when I first voted for him he didn't even come off that way. I like Obama but I don't like and support everything he does and has done.

This next election I don't think I will be voting for anybody because to me it is a joke with the people we have running to lead our country. Hillary Clinton: I cant vote for her because she will literally do anything (not a good thing) to become president and personally, I just feel like she is a woman scorned and when she gets in the white house trouble is right around the corner, and I just flat out feel that she cant run a country. Any other woman except Hillary. Bernie Sanders: I like him, though, I don't support everything he believes, he seems like a good candidate, but I don think he stands a chance. Ben Carson: This guy kills me, when questions are asked about regards to the black community hes always almost trying put us down and act like we are the whole problem, he almost doesn't even acknowledge it at all. He literally said, "racism didn't really exist 150 years ago and nobody cared until Obama became president". That is probably the dumbest thing I have hear and to me hes another game runner conforming to popular opinion to look sophisticated and gain votes. And lastly, Donald Trump: This guy is a clown and a reality T.V. star. You cannot run a country like the celebrity apprentice. If he is elected president this country is going to fall, and fall hard on its face. In my opinion all minorities should look out if he wins. Bill Clinton to me has been the best we have had, but sadly we cant get him back.

In conclusion I think that God needs to play a pivotal part in the running of this country, and I know some don't agree with that, but if we lean on God to make choices it will always be the right one. America has gotten away from that and is trying so hard to push God out, and until we let him in this country will always be bound by its people and its ways. It doesn't say in God we trust just to say it, it actually means something. The men that put it there were convicted in their hearts. My thoughts on politics and voting,

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