Physical: A woman by the name of Kim Davis was locked because she refused to issue a marriage license to a homosexual couple as a registrar and county clerk. After being jailed for a bit of time, she was finally released but there is still plenty tension and lack of understanding regarding the situation. The real debate now is that, although there is freedom of religion is it ok to do what Kim Davis did!
Psychological: Now homosexual marriage is legal, and she is a firm Christian who is speaking out against them, now in the minds of a lot of people it seems as if she is trying to supersede the law and the supreme court. Is it really freedom of religion or speech if she is being jailed for it?
Social: Homosexuality is now an accepted thing in the world and has a very felt presence where-as religion is still an important factor but is slowly being minimized by the day. There are plenty of people who do not agree with the issue as well as there are many that agree with what is going on. One is socially acceptable and the other is not but it is different for everybody. Was anybody harmed in this regarding their rights?
Cultural: Two cultures are really clashing here so it is somewhat difficult to decipher which culture is influencing more or what culture has a bigger or less influence. On one hand you have someone who to some is putting her beliefs above the law, and then you a have a group of people who feel that their rights have been violated.
Temporal: This debate has been going on for quite some time, a couple of weeks I believe, and what gives the issue so much edge or prominence over other social issues is that it's happening right after homosexual marriage was legalized so there is going to be friction in this particular instance. This happened at the wrong time, but some people may see it as the wrong time.
I agree with what Kim Davis did. I think she may be in the wrong profession, especially with the beliefs that she has. I agree because I put myself in her shoes and I myself am a follower of Jesus Christ. As a Christian I feel that we have an obligation to the Lord to stand for what is righteous in his sights. I have absolutely nothing against homosexuals, but I do not agree with their choice of lifestyle. I believe she felt she would be going against God had she supported that. I understand that there are laws of the land that we must obey legally but God's word trumps the law in these type of circumstances. As a Christian I believe that she felt like, "Obey the lord, or conform." I understand that they do have their rights, but so do religious/spiritual people and we should be able to speak our minds without consequence.
The commentator on, on the media had a few insightful points that he made, but It didn't sway me; now it is her job to issue those licenses, but then again it is also her job to please and honor the lord. The thing that kills me about this particular topic and issue is that people throw the word homophobe around like water at people of faith. Phobia is a fear of something, and as Christians I know that we don't fear it we just don't agree with it or support it but we still love the people.
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