Thursday, October 22, 2015

On the media: PlayBoy

Physical: Hugh Heffner created the playboy brand and playboy mansion in the early 1950's. The motivation for this is movement was to have woman modeling in the nude or sexually tempting cloths to basically entice and appease the thoughts of most men! Basically the beginning of sexual entertainment.

Psychological: Playboy gives some woman a false sense of awareness and reality when it becomes to beauty and confidence. The brand has kind of made woman feel or think that they have to look that way or present themselves that way in order to be beautiful or attractive. It kind of alters the perceptions of men as well, because as men some of us see theses woman and expect the woman we talk to, to look like that and act like that

Cultural: Sexualizing woman has been apart of our culture for a long time now, and playboy isn't the only company to dive into it. The internet is even worse if not the same thing! Now a days Sex has become something important or something that seems to be a necessity now and more for recreation than love!

Social: Playboy has been the medium for nude woman and half naked woman for the longest time, so now that they are covering up these woman it has become a huge social epidemic and to some it is a catastrophic event and blasphemous. The company could potentially lose money because of this change in tradition and that scares a lot of people.

Temporal: This magazine is and was the front-runner for all magazines and things of its kind and everybody wanted to be as successful as Playboy and now someone else may take the top spot because playboy has changed the tradition.!

I don't think Playboy is a good thing regardless, but I do think its better that they are covering up the woman, though, they shouldn't be doing it all. I think that they may lose a lot of support and popularity because of this, but it could remain the same because of the respect Hugh has in the industry as a sex mogul! I think that they should do away with it just because of how it can rot the minds of young men, because before I got saved I know how it used to mess with my mind and how it affected my thought process and it is not good at al because you're not focused on what's important and you have an unrealistic expectation of woman and what a woman should be like. Close the center folds and open up a bible!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Climate well informed: Never payed attention!

I remember watching the debates with George bush and Al Gore as a kid and I remember not seeing Al Gore for a little while after that! When I did finally see him again he was talking about climate change and the effects of global warming! He was always warning us about the polar ice caps melting and water levels potentially rising to catastrophic levels. Based off what I remember I was kind of concerned, but it didn't really bother me because I think I was too young to really even care! But now As I have gotten older I have started to see the changes with the climate, the weather, and the environment!

I have lived in Utah my whole life and I have never seen rain or storms quite like the ones that occurred here this summer! I have never seen lightning strike so close. This summer the lightning was absolutely crazy and almost striking in the city. Just last night on the way back from Salt Lake, the rain was absolutely horrendous and blinding. I have never seen anything like this in my history of living here. The lightning was literally lighting up the whole sky striking near the apartments, and then all of a sudden you have tornados hitting in Colorado, when has that ever happened? But away from the weather I have noticed that it is constantly getting hotter and the winters aren't as cold as they have been. Like last spring in St George; it was kind of cold but not ice cold, that is until it started snowing, and not a little bit of snow but a whole bunch of snow hit in St George. So I do support the idea that the climate is changing, but from a spiritual aspect I think all of these changes are apart of Gods plan and the front runner to the final day of judgment!

Hmm. . . Here is an interesting video from Bill Nye

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Well Informed: religion 3.0 Be spiritual not religious?

Religion can be defined as a belief, worship or praise to a higher power or personal God. In recent months religion has been in the center of everything that has been going down in the word; the most prominent at the moment are Christians and Muslims. You have the issue with Kim Davis and homosexuals, and then you have the pope coming to America as if he is a rock star, and then you have attacks by radical Islamic groups carrying out destructive attacks. In the midst of all of this I have noticed it has caused people to hate religion all together because now absent minded people generalize all people of faith and or particular religions as pushy and basically terrorists. There are so many different religions out there now a days, you have Mormons, Christians, Muslims, Baptists, Jehovah witnesses etc. . . so you can see why so many people are confused and turning away from religion because so many religions are trying to tell everybody they are wrong instead of trying to bring people to truth.

The one thing I have noticed about religions in this modern day is that they are trying so hard to promote their religions and market why their religion is the only truth, but they forget what is really important, and that is Jesus Christ. That's just it, hes the answer, the explanation, and the all of it. If you aren't preaching Jesus but claim to follow God then you are not abiding in truth! To know the father is to know the son and to know the son is to know the father (Matt 11:27). The media has a huge grip on the minds of people when it comes to religions, especially Christianity. The media often portrays Christians, as all hypocrites, hateful, judgmental, gay haters, and do as I say not as I do people. There are people like that, but those people are not Christian. A Christian is someone who knows that they are weak and leans on the Lord, and a Christian strives everyday to live like Jesus, showing love and compassion.

The worst about this is that we (Christians) are made out to be "Homophobes" and people who hate homosexuals. That is not true at all. As I stated before if you do hate those people you are not a Christian. I Know for a fact that I don't hate them I actually love them, but I just don't agree with the way that they choose to live. I understand that the hypocrites give Christians a bad rep but it is not fair to generalize all in that same category.

Spiritual not Religious: I think religions is good because it keeps your morals and values in check. It is a good way keep you in line, but also a good way to keep you honorable towards God, but it can be a negative as well. I don't like religion or religious people at the same time because religious people were the same people that killed Jesus. What do you mean religious people Darius? I am talking about the people that want to be seen openly praying, being seen in high places, practicing a ritual, and living holy only on Sundays like most pastors, bishops and church leaders today. If Jesus was walking the earth today (he is alive and well) the people would crucify him again because he didn't obey the religious rules that man had set but he obeyed the words of the father!

This brings me to my next point in that people have twisted religion from what it was originally founded on and have turned it into a fleshly thing instead of its original form which is spiritual. "Those that worship God must worship him in spirit and in truth," (John 4:24). To me that is why so many people have it wrong because they are leaning to their own understanding instead of leaning on the Lord for wisdom and knowledge (Proverbs 3:5-6) because if you are not in tune spiritually it is impossible to please God and move in the right direction. An example of this is racism in churches. In the LDS church black people weren't allowed to hold a man given priesthood until the 70's which to me sounds like God was racist up until the 1970's which is false because God doesn't work that way. This is an example of being in the flesh and not in the spirit because anybody that has any type of holy ghost knows that the spirit would never condone that.

Conclusion: When you look at religion through the eyes of flesh you see religion as having no power, being bound by rules, and many other factors but if you do in truth and in spirit there is absolute freedom because where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty ( 2 Corinthians 3:17). God is so loving that hey gave us the gift of free will to either serve him or go our own way! I am a Christian but not based on the title of my religion but by the way I live my life; Christianity is a way of living and a fun lifestyle to live at that. Being in a religion doesn't mean you have to walk around serious and dead all the time, but instead it should bring joy and happiness. don't let the media fool you in the way it presents religion because it can fool you into resenting God. Anybody can tell you one way is the truth but only God can show you the true way.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Well informed: Privacy 2.0

Privacy is defined in simple terms as a person who secludes themselves and information about themselves, from people and selectively express themselves. I didn't research an article but I did skim read here and there and based off information and settings I have observed. Privacy inst what it used to be. Now a days the things that you think are private really aren't though they look and seem as they are. I like to look at social media, and technology when it comes to this particular topic.

 Social media websites are supposedly meant to keep particular information about you private, and sharing with those what you want to be shared about yourself, thus somewhat fitting the true definition of privacy. You can post whatever you want to social media, especially Facebook, but at the same time you can't because someone is always watching. Though you shouldn't be posting negative things anyway, if you do an employer or someone who holds your fate in the workplace may come across something by accessing your social media profile and see something that they don't like which can lead to being dismissed from the job, suspension, or even a pay cut but either way it just doesn't seem really private to me. Now I definitely support someone who doesn't want a person doing unethical things on social media, or speaking out against the company to work for me either, but on the logical side, at-least from my perspective, that proves to me that social media isn't that private. I really noticed this with the NCAA because they are constantly monitoring everything you do as an athlete. They monitor your social media accounts what you do outside of football and a multitude of other things. As a student athlete you are constantly on your toes because one slip up can get you booted so at the end of the day there really is no real privacy, which is strange given the fact that we are not paid but students first.

Technology is also something that invades privacy. As humans we have the right to be private and not put all of our business out there. With the new smart phones privacy has kind of become not as important or non-essential I guess! Phones are always tacking your whereabouts and I have watched a few videos about how some of our phone calls are being recorded by the government, and I am not trying to sound like a conspiracy theorist but I believe this to be true that the government knows where we are at all times. Things that we search, talk about, and post on social media are always constantly floating out there though they were supposed to be deleted. And now a days it is so easy to steal someones identity it starts to make you question if privacy is real at all. How is it possible for these people to access your information if we have privacy?

Here is a video that I found about privacy!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

On the media: Politician pope

Physical: The pope came to America to come and speak to those that follow him, support him, and people in high places.This was in a sense historical because only three popes in history have come to America to speak. Social media, as always when something big happens, ate this up with all of the hashtags and millions of tweets about Pope Francis. Every time you turned on the television you would, and still do see the pope.

Psychological: People view the pope as an important, powerful, and awesome figure, so with the news that he was coming to America it made almost the whole nation fall on their face in amazement. Especially those that do look at him as a religious intercessor, they felt especially privileged almost as if the pope being here would bless America in some way. People were gathering by the masses just to see him and hear him speak, even traveling from across the country just to catch a glimpse.

Social: Obviously in a situation like this words can be twisted, and the story can be told the exact opposite of what really happened. The fact that this epidemic was so big on social media made it that much bigger and exclusive in real-time. With all of the news and media outlets you can be influenced to believe that the pope plays a pivotal part in this upcoming election, or the opposite that he is just a man here preaching peace and acceptance, either way social media, and media in general have a way of contorting and blurring the vision and perceptions of the media consumers, and in this case there is a lot of twisted logic and confusion in regards to the popes real intentions as far as him visiting America.

Culture: At this point and in this particular instance cultures and opinions are definitely going to collide especially the opinions of Liberals. Somewhere along the line something the pope said sounded like, "let all immigrants in." at-least to them that's what it sounded like. Listening to certain people they make it seem as if the pope is just coming in peacefully and being made out to be a victim or being looked at in a false light.

Temporal: This story comes at a perfect time, or has perfect timing in my eyes. In the same week the blood moon occurs, Donald trump running for president, and this "holy man" visiting America. I don't think that this story will die out to be honest, I think that the pope is going to be in the public eye for quite some time and continue to have an influence on America. This isn't going to be your average rise and fall type of story.

My Stance: Listening to on the media, they made some good points and good arguments, but I don't necessarily agree with all of those points. When I see the pope and how he has been portrayed, and how he has portrayed himself in the media, he seems like an undercover politician, and a slick talker. He often says things that people don't catch. And from a religious standpoint he never really mentions Jesus, but he did mention that Jesus failed on the cross. He has an influence on America already because he has conformed to the generation. I think that he will continue to have an large influence on America and a large say after a while. From a spiritual standpoint I don't really feel comfortable with him and I feel like he is setting people up very subtly and smoothly.